Incube8r Gallery group shows 2018

I was very pleased to be included in five of Incube8r Gallery’s group shows in 2018. Each had a theme quite different from the others.

This gave me a good chance to experiment with different materials and on different scales. Some of my works were small wall sculptures less than 8cm square, while others were three-dimensional sculptures approximately half a metre square at the base.

One work from each of these shows is pictured in the righthand column. You can view other works from these shows by using the Instagram hashtag #nancydeeincube8rshows.

Lost and Found

Lost and Found from 25 January to 7 February 2018 couldn’t have been more appropriately titled for the works I make. It was one of the ‘Almost Solo’ shows where each of the artists displays about half a dozen works.

The most commented on amongst mine was Tsunami 1.  I found the large sheet of metal used as the base on Victoria Street in Melbourne, near the Queen Victoria Market. I had to carry it all the way home, along with my fruits and vegetables, but it was well worth the effort.


Sustainability from 15 to 28 March 2018 was central to the environmental message of my works: refuse, reduce, repurpose, reuse and recycle.  I exhibited six works, with a wall to call my own.

The works were all quite large. As well as the artwork pictured, they included All Eyes on the Chac Mool, based on Mayan Indian carvings; Lonsdale Mandala, created from a barbecue grill my husband found on Lonsdale Street; and Grand Circle Tour 3, using washers galore, along with bristles from street cleaner brushes.


Galactic from 26 July to 7 August 2018 wasn’t quite as clearly up my alley as the two previous themes. However, I did think of aliens.

And with that thought, I created two works entitled Alien Script. Both use twisted wire that reminded me of the intricate alphabets used in South East Asian languages such as Thai, Lao and Burmese.


The theme for Fauna, held from 23 August to 5 September 2018, was even more remote from my normal style of artwork. Nonetheless I was able to create Tooth and Claw.

This was definitely not a cuddly animal, unlike most of the paintings in the exhibition. But someone – I know not who – loved it and bought it.

Abstract (Contours)

Last but not least, and very different again, was the exhibition Abstract (Contours) from 4 to 17 October 2018. Here I made use of natural as well as manufactured materials.

In particular, I incorporated some lovely oyster shells I had gathered at the beach near Frankston. These each had their own contour lines, as did the piece of metal that I used to define the contour of the beach.